NHPI Overview
A comprehensive course on Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders (NHPI)
Making the Marginalized Visible.
NHPI individuals are statistically overrepresented not just in the military, but in incarceration, preventable diseases, COVID-19 deaths and injuries as well. On the other hand, NHPIs are underrepresented in higher education, literature and media, and income. In this course, we’ll cover the NHPI community through a culturally-informed, client-centered, and trauma informed lens while bearing generational trauma and colonialism in mind when it comes to community engagement.
What you should know
Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders (NHPIs) are often left out of relevant community data. We also face blatant cultural appropriation, marginalization, and erasure in the United States. When it comes to discussion on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, our voices and experiences are often overlooked in a sea of disparities.
Data equity and inclusion is of course important to bear in mind not only in working with the NHPI community but also when you’re conducting your own research and providing community-based services. If you haven’t noticed these disparities before, it would be beneficial to be mindful of them and where care disparities might exist. We’ll cover history, current disparities, and the importance of disaggregating Asian-American data from NHPI data for genuine diversity, equity, and inclusion.

“For Pacific Islanders, it’s all the more important that diversity, equity, and inclusion are not just buzzwords for PowerPoint bonus points but are incorporated into data collection all the way through direct client care and outreach.”
— M.B. Dallocchio